Club's winter home will be Wood River Inn
Posted by David Henley
Beginning Jan. 6, 2015, the club will be meeting at its new "winter home" for two months while Richmond Country Club closes up for the season.
The choice of the Wood River Inn as a more-or-less permanent meeting place for the winter is a change from previous years, where we have changed our location, sometimes weekly, to various restaurants in the area. The combination of the private room the Inn offers for our meeting and the opportunity to avoid the confusion resulting from becoming nomads in winter made the move seem like a good choice.
It had been the popular opinion in the past that we should show support to as many local restaurants as possible while 'on the road', but that has made keeping costs under control and engaging speakers for meetings both difficult. Also, because the Country Club is also closed in March, we will have opportunities then to move to other venues if we choose.